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Psychology Patient

Clinical Supervision services are provided to help resident in counseling in Virginia learn clinical skills, develop their counseling style, encourage personal growth, and prepare them for licensure in Virginia. Clinical Supervisors provide supervision on either an individual or group format to assist residents in counseling fulfill their residency requirements.

Below are the profiles are our Board Approved Supervisors Robin Fore Martin, TF-CBT, LPC and Jonathan Ugalde, LPC. If you are interested in seeking Clinical Supervision from one of our Virginia Board of Counseling Approved Supervisors please submit a request by clicking the submit button below.

"Your responses to the events of life are more important than the events themselves."

Virginia Satir

Portrait of Jonathan Ugalde

Jonathan Ugalde, LPC

Executive Director of Operations & Finance; Co-Owner

Jon is a trauma informed, person-centered, and systemic therapist believing in the power our experiences and relationships have on us. Jon’s clinical experience has been with those who are going through “Life’s Transitions” while working in substance use clinics, wilderness programs, community based mental health agencies, and outpatient therapy practices.

Portrait of Robin Fore Martin

Robin Fore Martin, LPC

Therapist & Board Approved Clinical Supervisor (Telehealth)

Robin Fore Martin is a licensed professional counselor who is certified in Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and is a Board Approved Clinical Supervisor. Robin believes in meeting people where they are with their mental health and substance use needs while providing strategies and techniques to help them move in the direction of their choice.

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